CYDIA jailbreak tweaks for the week iOS 13.5 unc0ver jailbreak

My Home Screen Layout On My Jailbroken iPad Air 2

This is the home screen layout on my iPad Air 2, which is fully Jailbroken running iOS 8.4. As you can see I have custom App icons which is achieved by a Winterboard theme I installed called Lasso, which is a great looking theme on the iPad and iPhone. I also have a custom weather iWidget called CORE iWidget UniAW_v3.3, which is animated and gives you a five day weather forecast in your area. I also have a tweak called ClassicDock which gives you back the old style dock that came in the good old days of iOS 6, which I think is a much better looking dock than the dock currently in iOS 9. You may notice I have up to 5 icons going across the home screen instead of the standard 4. That’s all thanks to a Cydia tweak called betterFiveColumnHomescreen, which allows you to have up to 5 icons across your home screen. These are just a few of the many Cydia tweaks that I have installed on my Jailbroken iPad Air 2. So if you have a Jailbroken iDevice, what are you waiting for. Head over to Cydia now and start fully customising your iDevice.

Posted By: Ben Beedell


TATTON-jailbreak tweak 

Tatton is a recently released tweak that’s geared towards making your iPhone faster. In fact, the name Tatton itself is Greek for faster, and that’s what this tweak claims to do.
In order to accomplish this feat, Tatton, a free tweak available right now on the BigBoss repo, removes unnecessary features that can slow down iOS’ animations—think blurs and things of that nature. The developer of Tatton says that older devices in particular can benefit from his tweak. Does such a claim ring true?
Upon installation, however, it’s clear that this tweak is more of a mixed bag. It’s basically a potpourri of features that are randomly thrown together to comprise a finished tweak.
That’s not to say that Tatton is bad or anything, but it is definitely unfocused, and the idea that it will radically speed up a device, even an older device, is questionable at best.
Tatton is one of those jailbreak tweaks that throws a lot of settings switches at you with no clear guidelines or explanations for what the switches actually do. For example, there is a switch for “Speed up Safari”, yet we’re given no idea of what implications enabling such a switch might have.
After using Tatton, I didn’t find that it noticeably speed up my user experience at all. In fact, in some cases, such as opening the App Switcher, I notice more lag with the tweak installed. Needless to say, your mileage may vary.

Fortunately, Tatton is a free jailbreak tweak, so you can feel free to investigate it to see whether or not it works for you. Personally, I can’t see many people using this tweak over something like NoSlowAnimations or SpeedIntensifier, but that’s the wonderful thing about Cydia; we have lots of choice.